CBS Foundation Homelife Picture

When the epidemic suddenly came, we paused, but the teachers of Foundation did not change their original intentions, and tried their best to ensure that children were given guidance on life at home during the epidemic. 

Mr. Tao Xingzhi said that life is education. Considering the current situation, teachers encouraged the children to think about why they did nucleic acid, how to keep the corona virus away during the epidemic, appreciate the hard work of the epidemic prevention workers, and express their appreciation!

While at home, children were more concerned about the unpredictable weather. They made an exploration of the weather during these days. Some of them made weather posters, and some became weather broadcasters.

Teachers were also concerned about the psychological situation of the children. They communicated with the children about their emotions at home every day, and guided them to think about how to relieve their negative emotions. Through the activity of "Little Sharer", children chose something they would like to share with others,such as origami, stories, magic, painting, etc. Let's take a look at their wonderful performances!

Spring is a season of colors and vegetation recovery! The children expressed their love for spring in the way of "Spring Frame", and looked for traces of spring in the flowers and trees with shining eyes!

Looking forward to meeting the children and the campus as soon as possible!