Speech under the national flag丨Sharing the Planet with Animals

Good morning, Dear teachers and fellow students! 


We are PYP Grade 2 B. The theme of today’s speech is sharing the planet and protecting the animals.  

While we enjoy our lives in the hustle and bustle of the city, the destruction of the natural environment and the extinction of wild animals is happening quietly.

-Let’s save the animals 

In our UOI classes we have been inquiring about Animal adaptations. We found out many animals depend on their environment for their survival.  Many animals need camouflage to hide from predators and loss of habitat can be catastrophic for animals.

-Let’s protect the animals 

As people continue to increase in number on our planet, the demand for more space for humans is also on the rise.  Building roads, schools, houses and farmland mean humans need to clear forests and jungles.  The slashing and burning of forests to make way for farmland is prevalent in poorer countries such as Madagascar, which is home to 100’s of unique animals not found anywhere else in the world.  Did you know lemurs only come from Madagascar and 103 of the 107 types of lemurs are in danger of extinction.

-Let’s save the Lemurs 

Martin Luther King Junior, once said “Animals should not require our permission to live on Earth.” This is very true for animals endangered in Africa because of hunting. Javan Rhinos now number less than 60 alive in the wild. Did you know elephants in the zoo live on average 16 years whereas elephants in the wild can live up to 70 years?

-Let’s save the elephants

Another problem facing animals such as beautiful pink dolphins and sea turtles is the plastic pollution in the ocean. As of April, this year 81% of the plastic waste was coming from Asia. So, we need to think how can we use less plastic and always consider the 5R’s. 

-Let’s save the pink dolphins. 

We all need to refuse buying products made from animal fur, reduce use of single use plastic, reuse rather than buy new products, repurpose items for different uses, and recycle rather than throw away. We hope together we can help share the planet with animals in harmony. 

“Our task must be to ... embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”  Albert Einstein

-Let’s protect the animals.

That’s all thank you for listening.